What factors determine how my listing appears in search results on Booking.com?

A ranking is how Booking.com display available accommodation in search results. Booking.com sort the results based on what’s most relevant to each guest’s particular preferences. Those preferences include past search behaviour, specific market dynamics and a property’s overall performance. The ranking makes it easier for travellers to find the right property for them, and helps […]

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Do Booking.com charge the host commission on cancelled bookings?

No – Provided Booking.com are informed they do not charge for guest no-shows, guest cancellations or invalid credit cards and these types of bookings are not included in your invoice and you’re not charged commission. Booking.com only charges commission on confirmed stays and non-refundable bookings – regardless of whether the guest stayed at your property […]

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Do you take bookings via Facebook?

No – bookings can be direct (via our website or visiting the office) or via booking platforms such as AirBnB or Booking.com. Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here Please rate this article so we know how well it answered your question…

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