Yes – Owners must ensure a broadband/Wi-Fi connection is available to guests throughout their stay.

It is now taken for granted that guests will be able to access Wi-Fi whilst on holiday. Whilst going away is often about ‘getting away from it all’, for a lot of guests, watching a box set, surfing their social media feed, or googling the latest football results is all part of creating some downtime. Kids like to play games and download movies on their tablets and for many people it is important to be able to stay in contact with family and friends. For others, being able to ‘stay in touch’ with the office could be a deal breaker when finding somewhere to stay. Providing Wi-Fi in your holiday home is no longer a ‘nice to have’ – it is an essential requirement.

Fail to provide a Wi-Fi connection for guests and you will read about it in your online reviews!

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