No – all bookings for stays at the property are managed by Jungle Cottages and we will only list properties on AirBnB with Instant Book enabled. With Instant Book enabled, the need to respond to reservation requests will not be necessary since guests will be able to book these places provided they meet Instant Book requirements. We do however always respond to booking enquiries.

10 reasons why we always use Instant Book to manage bookings on AirBnB

  1. Convenience for guests – guests like Instant Bookings as they don’t have to wait for a host to respond – ask yourself why Amazon’s 1-Click shopping has been such a success.
  2. Convenience for hosts – The ‘booking dance’ is time-consuming for hosts, as well as guests, and if a host response time is slow it will cost (see below).
  3. Asking guests for personal information is not always well received by guests – asking guests for personal details such as the age of their children and why they want to stay may make guests feel uncomfortable that a host wants to know so much information about them and in extreme cases is viewed as discriminatory.
  4. Information provided by guests cannot be verified – and what the guest tells you during the ‘booking dance’ tells you nothing about how the guest will leave the property at the end of their stay. No guest is going to tell you they are staying to attend, or worse still host, a stag/hen event!
  5. Response times to reservation requests are published with the listing and guests typically expect a response within one hour.
  6. AirBnB places Instant Book listings FIRST when people are searching – having Instant Book enabled can help the listing’s visibility.
  7. More guest interest – guests can use filters to search for listings that can be booked instantly and guests do like it.
  8. Higher search placement – with Instant Book enabled your response rate will improve and your listing placement in search results goes up.
  9. Helps maintain Superhost status – If you care about Superhost status Instant Book can help because Superhost status requires that you maintain a 90% response rate.
  10. During the time it takes a host to respond, guests could book somewhere else or even book the same property direct via our website without the need for the ‘booking dance’.

Finally remember we can cancel an AirBnB instant bookings penalty-free an unlimited number of times if you’re uncomfortable with a reservation or if a guest breaks one of the House Rules – You will not pay a fee, lose Superhost status or receive any of the cancellation penalties.

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