Your choice – we can manage either arrangement but here are some pros and cons of each..



  • Flexibility to change – easy to change style, quality or amount of linen without having to buy a whole new set of linen or more linen to match the existing style and quality.
  • Easier and cheaper to maintain quality linen – In time linen will fade, wear, get stained or damaged and may even go missing. When you hire linen you won’t be responsible for its depreciation. You will always receive pristine sheets and towels that look brand new.
  • Easier linen management = more time to spend keeping guests happy.
  • Ongoing costs covered by guests – guests pay for linen so the ongoing costs of hiring linen are covered by the guests.



  • Buying your linen allows you to opt for creative styles – buying rather than hiring linen allows you to choose whatever style, colour or pattern of linen you like. If your holiday home has a particularly creative or niche interior, you may want linen to match.


  • The cost of buying multiple sets of linen – providing quality linen is key to providing a great guest experience but quality linen is not cheap.
  • The cost of maintaining multiple sets of linen – linen will get stained, damaged or go missing! and so the cost of ongoing maintenance will be another factor to consider.

Finally don’t forget whatver option you decide on, guests pay a fee for linen so make sure your linen is of good quality.

Have at least 3 sets of linen, one set in use, one set in the laundry and one set available for emergencies.

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