It depends on which website the reservation was made:


Whenever a guest makes a reservation through AirBnB and stays at your property, you are automatically covered by the AirBnB Host Guarantee. The Host Guarantee covers any damage to a host’s property (home, unit, rooms, possessions).

More information on making a payment request for damage can be found here

We can ask guests for a damage deposit on or before guest arrival. You choose the amount that you require for a deposit and we set this on your property page. On or before guest arrival, we manage the deposit payment.

{Unless we receive a written request from a client, Jungle Property do not take damage deposits at this time}

If any damage is found at the changeover check:

  1. Take photographs of the damage
  2. Notify the guest of the damage and try to negotiate a resolution

If a resolution can’t be found:


We submit a Host Guarantee request via Customer Service here

Any claim for compensation for damage must be dealt with outside

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