No but consider the following when allowing long stays in holiday accommodation:


The laws that apply to the occupancy will be dependent on the status of the occupier – whether they are an excluded occupier (guest) or a tenant. Since a tenancy can be for as little as just one day, the length of stay has no relevance in deciding on the status of the occupier. The status of the occupier would be determined by the collective actions of the parties, for example:

  • Was the property offered on a website specialising in holiday accommodation or on a website offering property with longer tenancies?
  • Was the reservation made for a fixed number of days?
  • Was the reservation made through a website specialising in holiday accommodation?
  • Did the landlord and occupier agree to a tenancy (verbally or in writing) I.e was there a tenancy agreement?
  • Did the actions of the landlord suggest the occupier was being granted a sole or principal residence such as carrying out immigration checks?


The qualification requirements for a furnished holiday letting are:

The property must not normally be in the same occupation for more than 31 consecutive days at any time during a period of at least seven months out of a twelve-month period during which time it must be available for commercial letting to the public generally for at least 210 days.

Gas Safety

For any guest who is staying more than 28 days, a copy of the last record (known as a Gas Safety Record, Gas Safety Certificate or CP12) made in respect of each appliance or flue in the premises must be given to the guest before that guest occupies those premises.

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